www.royaloakchamber.com 19 Gabriella Gonzales 220 S. Main St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (313) 319-4370 gabriellagonzales.com Hype House Lenard Banks 212 W. Eleven Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (586) 354-3293 Lover's Lane & Co. Pam Richmond 27246 Woodward Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 549-9475 loverslane.com Noir Leather, Inc. Arbor Laclave 124 W. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 541-3979 noirleather.com Studio Sandra Sandra Rome 415 E. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 990-1630 studiosandraonline.com Coffee Shops & Tea Houses Seven Sundays Coffee Krystal Touma 225 S. Main St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 607-3625 sevensundayscoffee.com The Office Coffee Shop Michael Keith 402 S. Lafayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 877-0316 theofficecoffeeshop.com Community & Human Services Alzheimer's Association Kim Simecek 25200 Telegraph Rd. Ste. 100 Southfield, MI 48033 (248) 289-7411 alz.org American Lung Association in Michigan Shannon Proctor 26555 Evergreen Rd. Ste. 540 Southfield, MI 48076 (248) 784-2000 lung.org Blessings In A Backpack-Royal Oak Shelley Lake 303 East St. Rochester, MI 48307 (248) 808-3221 blessingsinabackpackmi.org CEED Lending Belinda Turner-DuBois 33109 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 (248) 460-3973 ceedlending.org City of Royal Oak Joseph Gacioch 203 S. Troy St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 246-3000 romi.gov Common Ground Anne Bradley 30200 Telegraph Rd. Ste. 300 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 (248) 451-3733 commongroundhelps.org Creative Society Olga Schmidt 1129 W. Fourteen Mile Rd. #1088 Clawson, MI 48017 (248) 298-9954 creativesocietyusa.org Detroit Regional Chamber Wellness Works Program Sinziana Luchian 1 Woodward Ave. Ste. 1900 Detroit, MI 48226 (586) 610-5225 detroitchamber.com Easterseals MI - Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse Lindsey Shelby 1222 Catalpa Dr. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 544-2034 essmichigan.org Gilda's Club Metro Detroit Megan Hengesbaugh 3517 Rochester Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 577-0800 gildasclubdetroit.org Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County Dena Vatalaro-Pryde 150 Osmun Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 338-1843 habitatoakland.org Judson Center Nick Papadas 4410 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 549-4339 judsoncenter.org Leadership Oakland Susan Holladay 1500 University Dr. Ste. 203 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 (248) 370-6480 leadershipoakland.com Lighthouse MI Michelle Olmsted 46156 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 920-6000 lighthousemi.org Meals on Wheels Candie Hovarter 11600 Grand River Brighton, MI 48116 (810) 632-2155 mealsonwheelsmi.org National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Michigan Kristina Guse 29777 Telegraph Rd. Ste. 1651 Southfield, MI 48034 (248) 936-0351 nationalmssociety.org Oakland County Board of Commissioners David Woodward 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 894-6650 oakgov.com Oakland County Michigan Works! Oak Park Sherry Kless 22180 Parklawn St. Oak Park, MI 48237 (248) 691-8437 michiganworksoakpark.org Oakland Family Services David Tindall 114 Orchard Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 858-7766 oaklandfamilyservices.org Oliver's Foundation Justine Micks 29488 Woodward Ave. Unit 345 Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 766-5997 oliversfoundation.org Our Neighborhood Academy Allison Greene 3096 Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072 (248) 556-5332 ourneighborhoodacademy.com Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce Shelly Kemp 200 S. Washington Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 547-4000 royaloakchamber.com Royal Oak Civic Foundation Tom McGannon 203 S. Troy St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 254-6490 royaloakcivicfoundation.org Royal Oak Farmers Market Shelly Mazur 316 E. Eleven Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 246-3276 romi.gov/farmersmarket Royal Oak Garden Club Barb Bolton (248) 930-0825 royaloakgardenclubmi.org Royal Oak Historical Society Johanna Schurrer 1411 W. Webster Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 439-1501 royaloakhistoricalsociety.org Royal Oak Lions Club Maureen Elliott P.O. Box 473 Royal Oak, MI 48068 (248) 548-6340 royaloaklionsclub.org Royal Oak Nature Society Ted Vickers 1600 N. Campbell Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 246-3380 romi.gov/nature Royal Oak Optimist Club Marc Katz P.O. Box 1914 Royal Oak, MI 48068 (249) 219-5949 royaloakoptimists.org Royal Oak Restaurant Association (RORA) Carrie O'Neill 112 E. Third St. Royal Oak, MI 4806 (248) 730-0348 dineroyaloak.org Royal Oak Rotary Club Shelley Lake P.O. Box 745 Royal Oak, MI 48068 (248) 313-8990 rotaryclubofroyaloak.org Royal Oak Woman's Club Terry Poduska 404 S. Pleasant Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 246-3066 rowc.org Royal Oak Youth Assistance Doreen Murphy 1601 N. Campbell Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 546-8282 royaloakyouthassistance.com South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless Kristen Reinhardt 1717 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 850-3219 sochwi.org