www.royaloakchamber.com 21 Motor City Smiles Richard Friedman 903 N. Main St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 268-8886 motorcitysmiles.com North Oaks Dental Connie Thompson 3213 Rochester Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 629-1830 northoaksdental.com Education & Training Baker College Nathan Wright 420 S. Layfayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 276-8692 baker.edu Ad on page 6 Elevate Salon Institute Nick Bianchi 4050 Crooks Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 965-3353 esiroyaloak.com Japhet School Robin Pospisil 839 S. Crooks Rd. Clawson, MI 48017 (248) 585-9150 japhetschool.org Kumon Math and Reading Royal Oak Alexandra Bosoc 28142 Woodward Ave. Ste. A Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 717-1991 kumon.com/royal-oak Mathnasium of Royal Oak Logan Grabowski 515 S. Washington Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 432-0565 mathnasium.com/royaloak Michigan Actors Studio Rachel Bellack 1527 N. Main St Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 270-2927 michiganactorsstudio.com Oakland Community College Eunice Jeffries 739 S. Washington Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 341-2000 oaklandcc.edu Oakland Schools Technical Center SE Nicole Hunt 5055 Delemere Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 288-4020 ostconline.com/about-ostc/all-programs Royal Oak PTA Council Mary Ann Van Haitsma 800 DeVillen Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 435-8400 royaloakptacouncil.com Royal Oak Schools Amy Murphy 800 DeVillen Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 435-8400 royaloakschools.org Ad on page 14 Sandler Training Ken Seawell 100 W. Big Beaver Rd. Ste. 100 Troy, MI 48084 (248) 688-9805 meier.sandler.com SCORE Philip Cunningham 1165 Herdon Parkway Ste. 100 Herdon, VA 48067 (800) 634-0245 score.org St. Mary Catholic School Gabriela Bala 628 S. Lafayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 545-2140 stmaryroyaloak.org St. Paul Lutheran School Chris Francik 508 Williams St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 546-6555 worshipdowntown.org Tutor Doctor Carolyn Graham 506 N. Altadena Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (313) 719-7710 tutordoctor.com/orion-bloomfield Electricians Premium Electric Company, Inc. Tina Turner 2550 Hilton Ferndale, MI 48220 (248) 543-9609 premiumelec.com Entertainment Bowlero Lanes & Lounge Kelly Elliott 4209 Coolidge Hwy. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 549-7500 bowlerodetroit.com Cantata Academy Chorale Lorrie McVey P.O. Box 1958 Royal Oak, MI 48067 (313) 242-7282 cantataacademy.org Creative Arts Studio David Fredenberg 114 W. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 544-2234 creativeartsstudios.com Detroit Zoological Society Lara Marcinkowski-James 8450 W. Ten Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 541-5717 detroitzoo.org Inflatable Playspaces Miriam Pizana 5160 Meijer Dr. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 288-5888 inflatableplayspaces.com Jonathan Witz & Associates Jonathan Witz 301 W. Fourth St. Ste. 440 Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 541-7550 artsbeatseats.com Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle Mark Ridley 310 S. Troy St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 542-9900 comedycastle.com Michigan Renaissance Festival Allison Joslin 12600 Dixie Hwy. Holly, MI 48442 (248) 634-5552 michrenfest.com Patt's Word Art Patt Trama (248) 547-2344 pattswordart.com Ad on page 14 Royal Oak Concert Band Emily Borus (248) 561-0443 royaloakconcertband.org Royal Oak Leprechauns Mark Sackett 3421 Coolidge Hwy. Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 930-0388 royaloakleprechauns.com Royal Oak Music Theatre Jesse Miller 318 W. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 399-2980 royaloakmusictheatre.com Royal Oak Symphony Orchestra Michele Prud'homme P.O. Box 1738 Royal Oak, MI 48068 (248) 765-0776 royaloakorchestra.org Shoreline Sound Chorus Rebecca Cherry 115 S. Campbell Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (586) 530-6362 shorelinesound.org Stagecrafters Baldwin Theatre Sara Carolin 415 S. Lafayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 541-6430 stagecrafters.org The Great Escape Room Royal Oak Grimmie Washington 301 W. Fourth St. Ste. LL110 Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 291-7599 thegreatescaperoom.com The Greater Detroit Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society Geoffrey d'Allemand (248) 404-0118 greaterdetroit.org Water Works Theatre Company, Inc. Ed Nahhat Starr-Jaycee Park Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 399-3727 shakespeareroyaloak.com Young's Entertainment William Young (810) 280-2951 youngsentertainment.com Financial & Investment Services Andrew Crowther - Ameriprise Financial Andrew Crowther 1301 W. Long Lake Rd. Ste. 270 Troy, MI 48098 (248) 928-1300 ameripriseadvisors.com/andrew.crowther Bernard Wealth Management Ken Bernard 360 N. Main St Ste.430 Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 556-2900 bernard-wealth.com Ad on page 22 Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Robert Ingram 24800 Denso Dr. Ste. 300 Southfield, MI 48033 (248) 948-7900 centerfinplan.com Daniel Investment Group, Inc. Nicholas Daniel 306 S. Washington Ave. Ste. 216 Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 544-4122 danielinvestment.com